New Insights into Suction Feeding Biomechanics and Evolution

SICB Annual Meeting 2015
January 3-7, 2015
West Palm Beach, FL

Symposium: New Insights into Suction Feeding Biomechanics and Evolution

Because suction feeding is an integral component of prey capture in nearly all aquatic vertebrates, it might often be the single most important axis of feeding performance in many predator-prey interactions. The series of talks in our symposium will focus on the musculo-skeletal mechanics, performance consequences, and interaction of suction flows with prey when vertebrates suction feed. The series of talks will highlight several new mathematical developments such as Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) and Suction Induced Force Field model (SIFF) that are steadily providing new insight into suction feeding. Other components of the symposium will emphasize how suction flow fields interact with prey sensory systems ranging from antennal arrays of copepods to the lateral line of teleosts. The evolution and diversification of suction feeding morphology and mechanics will be highlighted, as will the ecological consequences of this variation in other talks.

Courtesy of Victor China

Sponsors: DCB, DIZ, & DVM    




S12.1 Wednesday, Jan. 7, 08:00 DAY, Steven W:

Mechanical Models of Suction Feeding

S12.2 Wednesday, Jan. 7, 08:30 CAMP, A.L.*; BRAINERD, E.L.:

Reevaluating musculoskeletal cranial linkages in suction feeding fishes with X-Ray Reconstruction of Moving Morphology (XROMM)

S12.3 Wednesday, Jan. 7, 09:00 VAN WASSENBERGH, S.:

Computational fluid dynamics of suction feeding

S12.4 Wednesday, Jan. 7, 10:00 HOLZMAN, Roi*; CHINA, Victor; ZILKA, Miri; ELMALICH, Tal; YANIV, Sarit; ELAD, David:

Suction feeding in low Reynolds numbers: Hydrodynamic and biomechanic constraints on larval fishes feeding

S12.5 Wednesday, Jan. 7, 10:30 MCHENRY, MJ:

The sensory-motor basis of evasion strategy in prey fish

S12.6 Wednesday, Jan. 7, 11:00 YEN, J.*; MURPHY, D.W.; WEBSTER, D.R.:

Copepod escape from suction feeding fish

S12.7 Wednesday, Jan. 7, 11:30 WAINWRIGHT, P.C.:

Suction Feeding Evolution: Innovations and Major Patterns of Diversification

S12.8 Wednesday, Jan. 7, 13:30 KANE, E. A.*; HIGHAM, T. E.:

Complexity and integration in biomechanics: Using prey capture in fishes to explore a novel approach for understanding organismal performance

S12.9 Wednesday, Jan. 7, 14:00 FERRY, LA*; GIBB, AC; PAIG-TRAN, EW:

This fish doesn’t suck: Deviations suction feeding in a biomechanical morphospace

S12.10 Wednesday, Jan. 7, 14:30 HERNANDEZ, LP*; STAAB, KL:

Cypriniform suction feeding: Evolving in and out of the ooze

S12.11 Wednesday, Jan. 7, 15:00 JAMNICZKY, Heather A*; ROGERS, Sean M:

Integrating approaches to biomechanics: developmental phenogenomics of stickleback evolution


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